Microscopic imaging of COVID-vaccinated blood reveals foreign, crystallizing bodies
A new study from Italian physicians sheds monumentally important light on the catastrophic effects of COVID vaccines. This study was published on August 8, 2022, and was featured in a September 2nd article in The Epoch Times.
Here are the important points to understand before looking at the results of the study.
- There were 1006 patients included in the study. All of them had sought medical care because they did not feel well.
- All of them had received mRNA vaccines.
- Of these patients, 141 received only one dose of an mRNA vaccine
- Four hundred fifty-three received two doses
- Four hundred twelve received three doses
- On average, these people had been vaccinated one month prior
- They received Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccines for COVID
The doctors examined blood samples from each person.
Of the 1,006 patients, only about 5 percent—just 58 people—had blood that looked normal.
What was abnormal about the blood from the other 948 people?
Looking at the Blood
The doctors used dark-field microscopy to examine blood samples from each person. This technique uses a special microscope that sends light in from the side so that the background of the image remains dark.
I’ve had this kind of analysis done of my own blood. In fact, I could watch the action of my own blood through the microscope. I could see the movement of my red blood cells. I could see if they stuck together or slipped easily past each other, as they should do. I could see if they were fat, round and healthy or had ragged edges. I could also see what else was included in my blood, such as white blood cells or digested food particles.
These physicians—all surgeons—did the same kind of analysis of these blood samples.
Results of These Examinations
In 12 cases, they were able to look at the results of dark-field microscopy of blood from these patients before they received a vaccine, and compare it to the results after their vaccines.
In all 12 of these cases, the patients had normal blood before vaccination.
Here’s one of those comparisons. On the left is an image of a patient’s blood before vaccination. On the right is their blood after vaccination. I’m sure you can easily see the difference. In their study, the doctors note that the blood cells in the right-hand image are no longer spherical. They are clumping up, “as in coagulation and clotting.” They note the presence of “exogenous” material in the blood, meaning some kind of substance that comes from outside the organism.

Here is a second before-vaccine comparison with an after-vaccine image. In the after image on the right, the researchers note the deformation of the red blood cells and their tendency to aggregate (clump up or clot).

The researchers go on to include images from several more patients, declaring that these images are “absolutely representative of all 948 cases…”
In the following image, the researchers note two exogenous particles and clusters of fibrin.
What is fibrin? An insoluble protein formed during the clotting of blood. It forms a fibrous mesh that impedes the flow of blood. (More mention of clotting.)

Crystalline Structures
Further, the researchers report that examination of these blood samples revealed crystalline structures.
These crystalline structures were self-aggregating, meaning that they formed or clumped up by themselves.
Here is a close-up of one such structure.

This structure was found in the blood of a 33-year-old male former athlete. One month post-Pfizer vaccine, he complained of marked loss of strength; a headache that was sensitive to the position of his head or body that did not respond to analgesics; joint pain; and shortness of breath on exertion.
In the following image, you can get an idea of the size that can be achieved by these aggregating clusters, and the complexity of their structures. On the left side of the large crystalline cluster, you can see two small red blood cells.

Cell Wall Rupture
In a 54-year-old woman who had received two Pfizer vaccines, the results were even more shocking. This woman complained of profound weakness, depression, sleep/wake disorder, sensations such as tingling and numbness (the kind normally felt in the extremities) and dysesthesia, described as a nerve disorder causing prickling, burning, stabbing, ice-cold, or electrical sensations.
The following two images are from microscopy of her blood.

In the left hand image, the red blood cell walls are rupturing and the cells are aggregating. The right hand image is a high-magnification view of one of the crystalline structures found in her blood.
Another Case of Crystalline Structures
In this case, an 84-year-old woman enjoyed reasonably good health and autonomy before her vaccines. She was on five medications including a beta blocker, diuretic and aspirin. She was advised not to get COVID vaccinations as she had previously been treated for and recovered from colon cancer. After her second Pfizer vaccine, she suffered intense erythroderma, an intense reddening and scaling of the skin on her face and chest. Erythroderma can be so widespread and severe as to be life-threatening. Her muscle pain was unbearable and did not respond to analgesics. She also suffered from an abnormally rapid and irregular heartbeat and abdominal pain. One medication was piled on top of another as she developed these symptoms. Soon, she required a walker and her kidneys were struggling with the load of medications.
This was what her blood looked like before the vaccinations.

Five weeks after vaccination, this clump of foreign material was found in her blood (120 magnification).

Here’s another image of the crystalline material found in her blood (120 magnification).

In this image from her blood, you can also see the faint web of fibrin surrounding this cluster.

There’s more. Much more from more cases reviewed by these researchers.
Red Blood Cells Attracted to These Mystery Conglomerates
In these two images, it appears that the red blood cells are being attracted to these crystalline structures.

That phenomenon can be vividly observed in this image (40 magnification).

What Were These Foreign Particles?
The researchers admit that they can’t positively identify these particles. They note that before these aggregates form, this material is point-like, luminescent and gives the appearance of a starry sky at night.
They then make this statement:
“What seems plain enough is that metallic particles resembling graphene oxide and possibly other metallic compounds like those discovered by Gatti and Montanari have been included in the cocktail of whatever the manufacturers have seen fit to put in the so-called mRNA ‘vaccines.’ In our experience as clinicians, these mRNA injections are very unlike traditional “vaccines” and their manufacturers need, in our opinions, to come clean about what is in the injections and why it is there.”
Gatti and Montanari are researchers who have published at least three studies on nanoparticles (an ultra-tiny particle) found in drugs or vaccines. In one of their studies, they state:
“The results of this new investigation show the presence of micro- and nanosized particulate matter composed of inorganic elements in vaccines’ samples which is not declared among the components and whose unduly presence is, for the time being, inexplicable.” [Emphasis added.]
In different vaccines, they found aluminum, silicon, lead, tungsten, titanium, iron, chromium and other contaminants. They also note that:
“As soon as a particle comes in contact with proteic [containing protein] fluids, a nano-bio-interaction occurs and a ‘protein corona’ is formed. The nano-bio-interaction generates a bigger-sized compound that is not biodegradable and can induce adverse effects, since it is not recognized as self by the body.”
This sounds very similar to the phenomenon described by the Italian researchers.
Is it Graphene Oxide?
The researchers stop short of definitely identifying these foreign particles as being graphene oxide. They say:
“…the observed abnormalities already found in our micrographs of individuals injected with one or more of the experimental mRNA concoctions of Pfizer or Moderna can no doubt be attributed in part to the foreign materials some of which we suspect are graphene-family particles.”
What is graphene oxide, anyway?
It is a single-atomic-layered material that is formed by the oxidation of graphite. That means the layer created by graphene oxide is only one atom thick. It is used in biotechnology and medicine for cancer treatment, drug delivery, and cellular imaging. It is found in drugs like doxorubicin, camptothecin, and methotrexate. A 2021 study notes its toxic effects on living cells.
Reuters Fact-Check Answers the Question
The Reuters news service does us the favor of answering this question about graphene oxide in vaccines. They state unequivocally:
“Fact Check-COVID-19 vaccines do not contain graphene oxide.”
Where did they get this definitive answer? From Pfizer’s Senior Associate of Global Media Relations.
How Does Graphene Oxide Act?
I fully admit that I am about to get into territory that I don’t understand well. It does not yield to quick study. So anyone is free to correct me on the following data.
It appears that graphene oxide has an ability to cause substances to nucleate.
Nucleate is a synonym for cluster or crystallize.
I can’t claim that these exogenous particles in the patients’ blood are actually graphene oxide and the researchers stop short of that identification. I leave you to do further research so you can draw your own conclusions.
The researchers wrap up with these comments:
“In our collective experience, and in our shared professional opinion, the large quantity of particles in the blood of mRNA injection recipients is incompatible with normal blood flow especially at the level of the capillaries. As far as we know, such self-aggregation phenomena have only been documented after the COVID-19 mRNA injections were first authorized, then, mandated in some countries, and now are still being widely distributed in more than 12.3 billion doses.”
They request further research to identify these particles. You can read the entire study here.
Very good research.
And, I like that you made it more easily understandable by non technical people.
May I share this on FB, and/or by email with my friends?
Of course.
So appreciate you sharing all your research and study. Very appreciated. Hard to believe…. but I do.