Karen Hadley and Sam Quinones meet in Atlanta.

Should We Decriminalize Drugs in America? Sam Quinones Weighs In.

Sam Quinones is the author of the book Dreamland: The True Tale of America’s Opiate Epidemic, published in 2015. In my humble opinion, without Sam’s book, we would not have consolidated our confront of our opioid epidemic and the architects of that disaster, the Sackler family, as soon as we have. Sam has published a…

Lincoln Memorial

Abraham and America.

I’m in the middle of reading Unsettled: How the Purdue Pharma Bankruptcy Failed the Victims of the American Overdose Crisis. The words above from Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address give me chills. They are engraved on the wall of the Lincoln Memorial. Lincoln was envisioning an ideal world, one that is far removed from this one…

These are the people we’re trusting with our health?

These are the people we’re trusting with our health?

Somehow, it seems totally wrong that the companies we trust with our health are driven by their need to show profits. All but one of the major pharmaceutical companies are owned by shareholders who want to receive dividends. The companies’ reputations rise and fall by their profitability. Right away, without any further examination, this skews…

Another Tax Coming Our Way? Introducing the Vehicle Mileage Tax

Another Tax Coming Our Way? Introducing the Vehicle Mileage Tax

Although the concept has been around for a couple of decades, I suspect that not many people are familiar with a Vehicle Mileage Tax or VMT. After reading an article on this topic in The Epoch Times, I decided to look into it a little more. Here’s the article I read: Senate Infrastructure Bill Gives…

Commercialization: Good or Bad? It depends.

Commercialization: Good or Bad? It depends.

Is commercialization a good thing or bad thing? How does commercialization affect our lives? I believe it depends on how intimately a commercialized activity impacts our health and happiness. I was just checking out the definition of commercialization because I’m writing about the effects of commercialization of the marijuana industry on Colorado. If you look at…

Purdue Pharma, Their Bankruptcy and the Utter Criminality Behind it

I have twice been asked today if the news about Purdue Pharma requesting bankruptcy protection is a good thing. As in, does this mean they are suffering the impact of intense scrutiny and lawsuits. It’s a legitimate question. The problem is that my experience studying and following the activities of this company indicate that this…

Letting Purdue Pharma Owner Profit from Treating Opioid Epidemic Would be Criminal

The news broke just a couple of days ago that Richard Sackler of the family that owns Purdue Pharma recently received a patent for a new drug to treat those addicted to opioids. At one time, news like this would not even have raised an eyebrow. But now, it raises plenty of eyebrows. Now, millions…