Taking Charge: What Can Be Done About Our Healthcare

Taking Charge: What Can Be Done About Our Healthcare

Some people have asked what we can do to correct the dominance of the healthcare cartels that wish to entrap us in fraudulent treatments. Here’s some insight from Robert F. Kennedy’s afterword in The Real Anthony Fauci: It is a hopeful sign that halfway into 2021, Orwell’s seventy-year-old book [1984] suddenly became a top-20 bestseller…

John D Rockefeller

Bill Gates… But First, John D. Rockefeller

You may have wondered why Kennedy’s book title includes Bill Gates. Gates doesn’t enter the picture until almost page 300. I’m going to try to paint the picture of the problem with Gates but first, I want to talk about John D. Rockefeller because, as you’ll see, Rockefeller’s pattern of ruining healthcare in America created…

The Dr. Fishbein Experience: Rocking the Boat at NIAID

The Dr. Fishbein Experience: Rocking the Boat at NIAID

Robert F. Kennedy’s book The Real Anthony Fauci is filled with stories of wrongdoing and inhumane criminality by both government officials and corporate executives. Reviewing the story of Dr. Jonathan Fishbein’s tenure at the National Institute on Allergy and Infectious Diseases will encapsulate the problems that are so deeply entrenched in this agency.  Dr. Fishbein…

Fauci’s Deadly Mismanagement of the AIDS Epidemic, Part II

Fauci’s Deadly Mismanagement of the AIDS Epidemic, Part II

This article will make more sense if you read Part I first. After Fauci was raked over the coals by Congress, the process of approving drugs for treatment of AIDS speeded up. He agreed to set up clinical trials for drugs that HIV activists wanted included in the standard of care for HIV infection and…

Fauci’s Deadly Mismanagement of the AIDS Epidemic, Part I

Fauci’s Deadly Mismanagement of the AIDS Epidemic, Part I

Truly one of the most desperately tragic and infuriating sections of the book was Chapter 4, “The Pandemic Template: AIDS and AZT.” There’s really no way to relay the enormity of his malfeasance so I can do is extract excerpts and string them together to try to paint a coherent picture for you.  First, a…

Patents, Profits and Lining One’s Pockets

Patents, Profits and Lining One’s Pockets

It would seem obvious to the dimmest of average citizens that government employees should not collect hundreds of thousands of dollars per year for supporting and endorsing the products of pharmaceutical corporations. Even a child could understand that this would lead to dishonesty, favoritism and criminality at the expense of public health. But that’s the…

Fauci on Vaccines

Fauci on Vaccines

Fauci in a 2015 interview:  I mean, if a parent really feels strongly against [vaccination], that parent can get an exemption. So there’s never a situation where someone is going to tie you down and vaccinate you or say you can’t go to any schools at all if you’re not vaccinated. Nowhere should you force…

Trusting hands

An Introduction to The Real Anthony Fauci: It’s So Much Worse Than You Imagined

After reading Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, I was forced to the conclusion that American and international medicine is not what I thought it was. And I already thought that it was corrupt, seriously misguided and often barbaric….